Vanuatu, Banyan tree
In the Pacific area huge banyan trees are often a sacred place for the locals. Besides a lot of vegetation and animals living in these trees more on the ground it gives shelter or can it be a ceremonial place. To sleep between the roots is an experience especially with a clear zenith above yourself. Combined with the ‘natural’ sounds makes it unforgettable!

Swiss, Ticino, Monte San Giorgio, chestnut tree
An old chestnut tree that the survived hundreds of storms, lightning strikes, fires but still standing firm and admired by hikers on the way to the nearby Grotto to eat and sleep.

Namibia, Namib dessert
Completely dried out tree reaches to a very clean sky in Death Valley. It might be here already for a very long time but once it will be conserved and swallowed by the approaching sand dune.

Kabouterboom – Goblintree
This almost 500-year-old chestnut tree has a circumference of 8.5 meters and was once introduced by the Romans. This thickest tree of the Netherlands stands in the woods of Nijmegen (Noviomagum) near a clear stream. Within walking distance of where I live.